Amy Gomez

Amy Gomez

CrossFit Level 2 Certified Coach, Personal Trainer, and Nutritionist


Bachelor's degree in Science with a focus on Health and Human Performance

CrossFit Level 1 Certification

Personal training Certification

Specialist in Nutrition

TRX Certification

Yoga Instructor

Athlete Mobility Instructor.

About Coach

Sports and fitness have been a big part of my life since I was a little kid. I played softball, volleyball, and basketball until college. It was not until 2002 after I graduated high school did I realize that I was not fully healthy. I was active but overweight. I was always on the heavier side of weight, when I graduated high school I weighed 205lbs, and I knew I needed to lose weight. I decided I was going to find a plan that would help me lose weight and that is precisely what I did. I went from 205lbs to 145lbs. I started in 2003 managing a gym and I knew I was right where I needed to be, I was introduced to the Body Building world and worked with a personal trainer, and was fascinated at how this one person helped me achieve my goals and I competed in my first competition that year and placed 5th place. I knew from that very moment I needed to change my degree and become a personal trainer to help people achieve their fitness and health goals. I competed in Figure competitions until 2007 and from there I knew the toll it took on my body and health. After about a year off from competitions and just working I knew I needed to move and change my life to get more out of it, so I packed up a car and moved to FL and started working for 24-hour fitness. This life of helping people achieve what they want and to show them that I have been in many shoes is a rewarding feeling to know that I am doing what I love and it's not a job it's a lifestyle of living my best life. I am one lucky person, who that always got introduced to the right people in life and from 24-hour fitness to moving up to working and managing the gym at Marriot Harbor Beach Spa and Resort to then finding CrossFit. I just love a good challenge when it comes to fitness. It was not until 2005 that made me take a step back, I ended up breaking my C7 in my neck. My fitness career ended for a year. I knew I needed to take the ego out of my life and realize that all this can be taken away from me. After I healed my neck, I started back with fitness and nutrition and did it at my pace, I wanted a variety of fitness in my life. From there I got many more certifications, which I love learning and I am always up for the challenge to get more certifications under my belt. As of today, I am exactly where I need to be here in Orlando owning a CrossFit gym with my husband and a dear friend I can call family and coaching and helping people one day at a time. My main job is to show my daughter the importance of fitness and health and set an example for her every day.

Adler is a Top 5 International CrossFit Games Athlete known his explosive power, impeccable technique, and mental fortitude. Off the competition floor, Jeff is a devoted advocate for the CrossFit community, always striving to foster a supportive and inclusive environment for athletes of all levels. He shares his knowledge and passion through coaching and mentorship, helping others unlock their full potential and achieve their fitness goals.

My first turning point was the day I broke my neck, my ego was so huge and I just had to beat everyone in the class. I came very close to being paralyzed from the neck down. I knew then I had to pull that ego out. My second turning point was after pregnancy I was back up to the weight I was when I graduated High School, and that was traumatizing to me. You do not think something like that would come back up from the past, but it is always there in you. After 1 month of being home from labor, I had to get myself back, I did not feel good, I wasn't happy, and a lot was going on from post-partum depression to figuring out how I was going to get fitness back into my life and take care of this little human. If you know me, you know I will figure it out and I did, I started on April 19th, 2021, and I did not stop until I got my body back, and within 4 months I was back to my weight before getting pregnant. However, I was not satisfied I wanted more I knew I wasn't completely healthy so I kept going and I am in the best shape of my life at 38 years old. I lost 42lbs from April till November of 2021. Call me crazy but being healthy internally and externally and proving that you can do anything you set your mind to is what I am here to prove.

Motivation & Passion

My purpose for coaching is to show people that it all starts in the mind, then in the gut and if you do not start internally first you will not achieve externally. I want to be the lightbulb that goes off and watch them achieve what it is that they want in life. I want to always be that example of the body will change if you want it to. I am a coach, trainer, and instructor to guide people that all you need is the right tools in nutrition and fitness, and life is yours to take. My motivation is myself, making sure that I stay motivated to motivate others. I will always go for more in learning and making sure I understand that each human is different and I am here to learn and grow with you.

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